Finnish food

Restaurant Juurella – when design meets local food

Note: This post has been posted in Chinese too. Two weeks ago we went to Restaurant Juurella to celebrate my birthday. The restaurant is not in the capital area of Finland, instead, it is 300km away from the capital Helsinki. However we decided to come here for several reasons: firstly, we happened to be in […]

Carrots-Gooseberry jam – 芬蘭紅蘿蔔鵝莓果醬

Carrots-Gooseberry jam, made in Finnish farm. 紅蘿蔔鵝莓果醬,來自芬蘭紅蘿蔔農場。 夏天時在市集看到,忍不住買一罐回來品嘗,非常地天然又好吃,我喜歡這樣的果醬,天然的味道,不會太甜,也沒有加一堆奇怪的香精,這就芬蘭在地的味道,簡單純粹的紅蘿蔔和鵝莓味! 農場的主人甚至說,有中國人在向她打聽,想把果醬大批賣到中國去呢! 大家會對這果醬有興趣嗎?

SUKLAATILA – Finnish hand-made chocolates 芬蘭手工巧克力

SUKLAATILA – literally translated as “chocolate space”, is a Finnish hand-made chocolate brand from countryside. For me, their most interesting products are those chocolates that contains Finnish local dried berries or herbs. The one I bought to try is dark chocolate with quite a few whole dried blackcurrant. Really tasty!   常在各地手工或農夫市集上,遇見這間來自芬蘭鄉間的巧克力品牌: Suklaatila。經營了四個世代的巧克力品牌,將芬蘭莓果與香草加入巧克力中,就讓巧克力擁有一份具有北國氣息的天然風味。這次我買了試吃的是加了一些整顆黑醋粟乾的黑巧克力,真的很美味!     […]

Honey from local farm 芬蘭農家自產蜂蜜

載入中 Honey from Finnish local farm. It tastes like chamomile. #Finland #honey #madeinfinland #healthyfood #Finnish design #visitfinland 在 Instagram 上瀏覽